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Gateway to the epigenome. (Art by Ting Wang)

The basic usage of the WashU Epigenome Browser involves the following steps:

  1. Load a genome assembly – Users can select from a variety of preloaded genome assemblies or upload their own custom genome using the Genome Hub feature.
  2. Load annotations and public data tracks – The Browser provides access to publicly available datasets from major consortia like ENCODE, 4DN, Roadmap Epigenomics, and IHEC, allowing users to integrate rich annotation tracks.
  3. Load user's data – Users can visualize their own data through the Remote Track function (by providing a URL to a hosted file) or the Local Track function (by uploading files directly from their computer).

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide to using the 2025 updated WashU Epigenome Browser.


current generation since 2025

the 2nd generation since 2018

the 1st generation since 2010

Run the Browser locally

  • get Node.js (version 20 above recommended) and yarn package management tool

  • clone the code

  • install the package at root folder

    yarn install
  • go the eg-browser folder

    yarn install
    yarn dev
  • the browser should be running on your local computer now at http://localhost:5173/

    VITE v5.4.14  ready in 409 ms

    ➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
    ➜ Network: use --host to expose
    ➜ press h + enter to show help

Use the Browser as a module in your web application

  • install the package from NPM registry

    npm install wuepgg
  • import the package and related style sheet

    import GenomeHub from "wuepg"
    import "wuepgg/style.css"

    <GenomeHub name={exampleName} dataHub={exampleDataHub} />
  • example of screenshot for each step can found below:

npm install screenshot import screenshot use the component screenshot how it looks screenshot

Questions or feedbacks?

  • Please submit an issue request. We'll try to get back to you asap.
