Gateway to the epigenome. (Art by Ting Wang)
The basic usage of the WashU Epigenome Browser involves the following steps:
- Load a genome assembly – Users can select from a variety of preloaded genome assemblies or upload their own custom genome using the Genome Hub feature.
- Load annotations and public data tracks – The Browser provides access to publicly available datasets from major consortia like ENCODE, 4DN, Roadmap Epigenomics, and IHEC, allowing users to integrate rich annotation tracks.
- Load user's data – Users can visualize their own data through the Remote Track function (by providing a URL to a hosted file) or the Local Track function (by uploading files directly from their computer).
This documentation provides a step-by-step guide to using the 2025 updated WashU Epigenome Browser.
current generation since 2025
the 2nd generation since 2018
the 1st generation since 2010
Run the Browser locally
get Node.js (version 20 above recommended) and yarn package management tool
clone the code
install the package at root folder
yarn install
go the eg-browser folder
yarn install
yarn dev -
the browser should be running on your local computer now at http://localhost:5173/
VITE v5.4.14 ready in 409 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help
Use the Browser as a module in your web application
install the package from NPM registry
npm install wuepgg
import the package and related style sheet
import GenomeHub from "wuepg"
import "wuepgg/style.css"
<GenomeHub name={exampleName} dataHub={exampleDataHub} /> -
example of screenshot for each step can found below:
Questions or feedbacks?
- Please submit an issue request. We'll try to get back to you asap.
- Talk to us? Welcome to join our Discord server for some discussion.