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What are tracks?

Tracks in the WashU Epigenome Browser refer to the data tracks loaded for visualization. These track files contain genomic data associated with specific genomic coordinates. When a user navigates to a genomic region, the corresponding data is fetched, reformatted, and rendered in the Browser for display.

Tracks are categorized into two main types based on how data is fetched:

  1. File-based tracks – These tracks rely on pre-generated files, such as BigWig, BAM, or VCF files, stored on a remote server or a local system. The Browser fetches and processes these files dynamically when users explore genomic regions.

  2. API-based tracks – Instead of pre-generated files, these tracks retrieve data dynamically from an external API. The API sends queries to a database or a web server, and the Browser processes and visualizes the returned data in real time.